Thursday, January 7, 2010

Having Trouble with Chapter 5

Knowing that some of the crowd were skiing in Colorado... in Ohio where apparently they have no computers... lazing around eating the remaining Christmas cookies.... I didn't want to forge ahead for fear of leaving anyone behind.

Now that Janet has brought up her concerns about global warming in Chapter 6, though, I feel justified in asking for help with Chapter 5.

I began to feel a little lost right at the point where the observer in the bed has the spacetime distance vector pointing up his time axis. It sounds uncomfortable, and figure 9 isn't helping.

I may be having trouble with vectors. I keep thinking about mosquitoes being vectors for malaria, and then there's the giant arrow to Manchester (I'm thinking of it in electric blue plastic)... Then they bring in hyperbolae and I'm lost.

Why can't we have momentum in time? It seems to me that momentum unavoidably exists in time as well as space. Why do these guys imagine that things are interesting or boring based on stuff like length? Have they actually begun rambling madly, or am I just missing the point?

Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.


  1. In chapter 5 I felt like I was watching (literally) a lecture where the prof was really excited about a topic, but had lost all of his (or her) students. Maybe I need to feel like my students once in a while.

  2. I spent the past few days trying to catch up.. I have lots of info and I'm still processing it. SO currently my brain is a large " Please wait... loading" screen. But I'm halfway through Chapter 5 and I'm having trouble absorbing it.. gimme another day though and maybe it'll click and I'll have something a tad more helpful to say. :)
